Al-Yadumi: The American elections proved the constancy of state institutions and bias to them
الموضوع: English



The Chairman of the Supreme Authority of the Yemeni Islah Party, Mr. Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Yadumi, said, "The American elections for the year 2020 met with the attention and follow-up that no previous American elections had, for several reasons."

Al-Yadumi added, "First, Trump had been able to present himself in the form he described it as selfish, self-love and mentality destructive of the constitutional and democratic values and principles, with which he attaches no importance to when he pushed the mob towards the Congress building to prevent its members from announcing the final results of the elections, and he appeared naked of all allegations of the fake cling to the course of the electoral process, and he was miserable while he presented himself with the famous saying "Me or the flood".

Al-Yadumi continued, "Secondly, the constancy and primacy of state institutions in society, the national forces siding with their and adherence to them despite the challenges and artificial storms."

Al-Yadumi noted that the balanced speech delivered by the President-elect, John Biden and his vice president, and the leadership of his election campaign, had a role in overcoming the bifurcated personal desires and interests. - Exclusive
الخميس 21 يناير-كانون الثاني 2021
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