Parliamentary al-Qadi replies to the Houthis call for dialogue
الموضوع: English



The Yemeni parliamentary member, Shawki al-Qadi, replied on Sunday to remarks by the member of the Houthi group Muhammad al-Bukhayti, in which he called on Islah to engage in dialogue to resolve the Yemeni crisis.

The Yemeni parliamentary member, Shawki al-Qadi said that the Houthis, if they are sincere and serious in the dialogue, should release the detainees in their prisons, implement the Hodeida agreement and lift the siege on Taiz to prove their seriousness in seeking the dialogue and accepting its results.

In his Facebook post, al-Qadi addressed al-Bukhayti by saying, “Your prisons and detention centers are filled with innocent abductees and detainees, so release them to prove that you are serious and honest, this time, in your seeking dialogue to reach solutions to save the children you said they are starving.”

Al-Qadi continued by saying, "The Hodeidah agreement is still hot, so you should prove your credibility by abiding by its terms, lift the siege on Taiz, and stop your guns and rockets that kill civilian children and women."

"These are three points to test your credibility," al-Qadi added.

He followed his talk by saying, "I hope you stop playing the funny tone by calling only the Islah Party for dialogue, as if Yemen is the possession of Islah, or that there is no one in Yemen other than the Islah."

He pointed out that "Yemen and the homeland has 30 million Yemenis distributed to institutions, bodies, parties, remarkables, organizations, frameworks, and northern, southern, eastern and western governorates united by (the institution of the legitimacy) headed by President Hadi, Vice President Mohsen and his prime minister Mr. Maeein, so as you not to repeat the cassation, treachery and breaking treaties and agreements."

The member of the Houthi group al-Bukhayti had recently called on the Yemeni Islah Party, the Southern Transitional Council and the General People's Congress to sit at the dialogue table to agree on arrangements for a ceasefire and the formation of a supreme authority to manage the transitional phase. - Follow-up
الإثنين 19 أغسطس-آب 2019
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