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A leader in Islah to denounce Gargash's statements saying they know who is behind the protests

الأربعاء 05 سبتمبر-أيلول 2018 الساعة 10 مساءً / Al-Islah.net - Exclusive


A leader of the Yemeni Islah Party denounced statements issued by the UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, regarding the recent events took place in Hadramout.

"We denounce what Anwar Gargash has said, and we do believe that his statements do not express the opinion of the brothers in the UAE, while Yemeni Islah Party is very grateful to both KSA and UAE because of their support for Yemen," said Adnan al-Audaini, deputy head of the Information and Culture Department of the Yemeni Islah Party.

"We do not doubt for a moment that UAE authority realize that Islah Party has no any relation with what is happening in Hadramout or elsewhere, and that they know very well who is behind those events and the goals that they adopt," he added.

The UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, had attacked the Islah Party through his tweet on Twitter, accusing the Islah Party of being behind the protests take place in some southern regions and Hadramout governorate and "insulting the UAE symbols."

Some southern governorates, including Hadramout, have witnessed protests due to the collapse of the Yemeni currency and high prices.

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